Sep 29, 2017
Posted by: Michael Freiberg
Hill climbing is hard for everyone, but for some its harder than most. In this series of blog posts we will break down and investigate what actually happens when you climb and why it is hard for bigger people. Its not what you would expect!
Sep 29, 2017
Posted by: Michael Freiberg
Last post we explored the mathematical inequality between riders of different physique. Finding that larger riders should climb faster than their smaller counterparts. In this post we'll investigate what actually happens to allow small riders to climb faster.
Sep 29, 2017
Posted by: Michael Freiberg
This is the 3rd post in our "Maths of Cycling" series. Today we are going to look at how to make big riders climb faster. If you are a big guy and want to climb fast, first you need understand why climbing is hard for you.