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Terrain Dynamics is team of cycling technologists who aim to push the boundaries of high performance sport.
Headed by 2011 World Omnium Champion, Michael Freiberg, we focus on producing the tools that athletes need to be the best.
To create cutting edge products we use data, in depth reporting and rigorous testing, all while building upon current research and the 30 years of engineering experience in our team.
We create solutions to take you to the next level out on the open road.

MICHAEL FREIBERGManaging Director, Terrain Dynamics. "The idea for the AIRhub came out of the desire to train more efficiently, to cut out the excuses and to be able to get the most out of training no matter where you are or who you ride with." "With the AIRhub, we've created that. A smart, one-of-a-kind electromagnetic braking system that works with you and can be customised to suit your program and your terrain. I hope everyone who's ever struggled to take their performance to the next level, whether it be because they live in a flat area, don't have safe roads to train on or have to train solo just to get in those hard sessions, can find their answer in the AIRhub." |